GERD Reflux in Turkey

Say Goodbye to GERD: Embrace a Heartburn-Free Life!

What is GERD Reflux?

GERD reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a chronic digestive disorder characterized by the backward flow of stomach acid and sometimes bile into the esophagus. This occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a ring of muscle that prevents the contents of the stomach from flowing back up, becomes weak or relaxes inappropriately.

GERD Reflux Symptoms

There are many symptoms of GERD Reflux disease, and these symptoms may differ for adults and children. Still, it's recommended that you share your stomach discomfort with a doctor. You don't have to have all of the symptoms listed below. Therefore, only the doctor can determine if you have reflux disease.

  • GERD Reflux Symptoms for Adults

Heartburn: A burning sensation in the chest, often after eating, which may worsen when lying down or bending over.

Regurgitation: Sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into the throat or mouth.

Chest pain: Discomfort or a feeling of pressure in the chest, sometimes mistaken for a heart attack.

Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia): Sensation of food sticking in the throat or chest.

Chronic cough: A persistent cough that may be aggravated by lying down or eating.

Hoarseness or sore throat: Irritation or inflammation of the vocal cords and throat.

Asthma symptoms: GERD can trigger or worsen asthma symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing.

Dental problems: Acid reflux can cause erosion of tooth enamel and other dental issues.

Laryngitis: Inflammation of the voice box, leading to hoarseness or voice changes.

Sleep disturbances: Nighttime symptoms, including coughing, choking, or waking up with a sour taste in the mouth.

  • GERD Reflux Symptoms for Children

Spitting up: Frequent regurgitation or spitting up of stomach contents, which may occur after feeding or during burping.

Vomiting: Forceful expulsion of stomach contents, often accompanied by discomfort or pain.

Irritability and fussiness: Children with GERD reflux may be irritable, cry excessively, or have trouble settling down.

Poor weight gain: In some cases, infants with GERD reflux may struggle to gain weight or may experience slow weight gain.

Difficulty feeding: Refusing to eat, frequent feeding interruptions, arching of the back, or discomfort during feeding.

Coughing or wheezing: Chronic cough, wheezing, or respiratory problems that may be triggered by acid reflux.

Hoarseness or voice changes: Inflammation of the throat or vocal cords may cause changes in the child's voice.

Recurrent respiratory infections: Children with GERD reflux may experience repeated respiratory infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

Disrupted sleep: Nighttime symptoms, include waking up frequently, crying during sleep, or experiencing difficulty falling asleep.

GERD Reflux Causes

GERD reflux typically occurs due to a combination of factors. One common cause is the dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscular ring that acts as a barrier between the esophagus and stomach. When the LES weakens or relaxes inappropriately, it allows stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus, leading to GERD symptoms. Certain lifestyle and dietary factors can contribute to this weakening of the LES, including obesity, smoking, and consuming large meals or certain trigger foods such as citrus fruits, spicy foods, chocolate, caffeine, and fatty or fried foods.

Other factors that can contribute to GERD reflux include hiatal hernia, a condition where a portion of the stomach pushes up through the diaphragm, and delayed stomach emptying, which can cause increased pressure on the LES. Additionally, pregnancy, certain medications (such as NSAIDs, certain asthma medications, and calcium channel blockers), and certain medical conditions like gastroparesis or connective tissue disorders may increase the risk of developing GERD reflux.

Which Medical Field Treats GERD Reflux?

Gastroenterology is the medical field that primarily treats GERD reflux. Gastroenterologists are specialists who diagnose and manage disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including GERD. They have expertise in evaluating and treating conditions related to the esophagus, stomach, and other digestive organs. Gastroenterologists utilize various diagnostic techniques, such as endoscopy, pH monitoring, and imaging studies, to assess the extent and severity of GERD reflux.

Based on the diagnosis, they can recommend appropriate treatment options, which may include lifestyle modifications, medications, and, in certain cases, surgical interventions.

How is GERD Reflux Diagnosed?

GERD reflux is diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. The initial step involves discussing symptoms and their frequency with a healthcare professional. They may perform a physical examination and ask questions about your lifestyle, diet, and any medications you may be taking. If GERD reflux is suspected, further diagnostic tests may be recommended, such as an upper endoscopy, which allows visualization of the esophagus and stomach to assess for any inflammation or damage.

Another common test is esophageal pH monitoring, which measures the amount of acid in the esophagus over 24 hours.

Additionally, imaging studies like X-rays or esophageal manometry, which measures the function and movement of the esophagus, may be utilized in certain cases.

GERD Reflux Treatment

The goal of GERD reflux treatment is to reduce acid production, relieve symptoms, and prevent complications. Here are some common treatment approaches:

  • Lifestyle Modifications

Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight can contribute to GERD symptoms.

Avoid trigger foods: Certain foods like fatty and fried foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol can worsen symptoms.

Eat smaller meals: Large meals can put pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing acid to reflux.

Avoid lying down after meals: Wait at least two to three hours before lying down or going to bed.

Elevate the head of your bed: Raising the head of your bed by 6 to 8 inches can help prevent acid reflux during sleep.

  • Medications

Over-the-counter antacids: These provide temporary relief by neutralizing stomach acid.

H2 blockers: Drugs like ranitidine or famotidine reduce acid production and provide longer-lasting relief.

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs): Medications such as omeprazole or esomeprazole block acid production and allow the esophagus to heal.

  • Surgery

Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication: This procedure strengthens the LES by wrapping the upper part of the stomach around it, preventing acid reflux.

LINX device: It is a magnetic device placed around the LES to strengthen it while still allowing normal swallowing.

GERD Reflux Cost in Turkey

Erdem Hospital offers high-level service under the most favorable conditions. With an online free consultation, the price is determined after the treatment recommended by our doctors. Our prices are offered in all-inclusive packages. All services mentioned below will be included in the price.

  • Free consultation
  • All accommodation in a 5-star hotel
  • Pre/post-operative testing
  • Cost for laboratory
  • Medication and Equipment
  • All round VIP transfer
  • 7/24 Support
  • Assistants speak English

Before GERD Reflux

  • Patients typically undergo various diagnostic tests such as endoscopy, pH monitoring, and imaging to confirm the presence and severity of GERD.
  • Conservative approaches, such as dietary changes, weight loss, elevating the head of the bed, and medications (e.g., proton pump inhibitors), are usually attempted first to manage symptoms.
  • If symptoms persist despite medical management, the patient's overall health and suitability for surgery are evaluated. The risks and benefits of the surgical procedure are discussed with the patient.
  • Patients need to follow pre-operative instructions, which may include fasting before surgery and avoiding certain medications.

After GERD Reflux

  • After surgery, patients are closely monitored during the initial recovery period in the hospital. They might experience pain or discomfort in the chest and abdomen.
  • Post-surgery, patients may need to follow a specific diet to allow the surgical site to heal. This often involves consuming soft and easily digestible foods for a certain period.
  • Patients gradually resume regular activities and work after the recovery period, which can vary based on the individual and the type of procedure.
  • While Nissen fundoplication can significantly alleviate GERD symptoms, patients should continue to follow post-operative guidelines and may require ongoing medication adjustments.
  • Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon or gastroenterologist are important to monitor healing, address any concerns, and ensure the procedure's success.

GERD Reflux Process



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GERD Reflux FAQ in Turkey

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

Elevating the head of the bed, eating smaller meals, avoiding trigger foods (caffeine, spicy foods, fatty foods, etc.), quitting smoking, and losing excess weight can help manage symptoms.

While there's no one-size-fits-all diet, many people find relief by avoiding acidic, spicy, and fatty foods, while incorporating more whole grains, lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables.

Yes, hormonal changes and increased pressure on the stomach due to the growing uterus can contribute to GERD symptoms during pregnancy.

Yes, stress can exacerbate GERD symptoms, likely due to its impact on digestive function and the body's response to stress hormones.

Yes, surgery may be considered for severe cases that don't respond to other treatments. Fundoplication is a common surgical procedure to strengthen the LES.

There might be a genetic predisposition to GERD, but lifestyle factors and environmental influences also play a significant role.

You should see a doctor if you experience persistent or severe symptoms like frequent heartburn, difficulty swallowing, unintended weight loss, or symptoms interfering with daily life.